Meeting of Uversity Scholars in NI at Queen’s University Belfast
November 8, 2019 | by Colleen Dube
Queen’s University Belfast’s Widening Participation Office hosted a meeting of Uversity Scholars in Northern Ireland and Uversity Staff on Friday 8th November 2019.
Scholars attending included Martha Doyle who is enrolled on a Computing Systems Degree at University of Ulster along with Queen’s University Belfast Scholars’ Alex Kaoma (Biomedical Sciences), Caleb Young (Civil Engineering), Hayden Nightingale (Computer Science Professional Experience), Nadine Kittle (Law) and Nadine Savage (Adult Nursing). Paula Moran, QUB’s Head of Widening Participation and Uversity’s CEO, Colleen Dube and Administrator, Tracey Leech, also participated.
At the meeting Scholars discussed their experiences of college to date, successes and challenges and exchanged survival tips that they have developed. The Scholars welcomed all the support that they had received so far from Uversity and their institutions. They also identified ideas for future events, career & professional development and spreading the word about Uversity to prospective applicants.
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