Where to Study?
Uversity’s Scholarships are for successful candidates to pursue a degree in any discipline in the following institutions on the island of Ireland. Preference is given to candidates enrolling on a full-time programmes. Other programmes offered by these institutions will be considered on a case by case basis.
Athlone Institute of Technology
Wesbite: https://www.ait.ie
Email: admissions@ait.ie
Wesbite: https://www.bimm.ie/dublin/
Email: dublin@bimm.ie
Dundalk Institute of Technology
Wesbite: https://www.dkit.ie/mature
Email: access@dkit.ie
Galway Mayo Institute of Technology
Wesbite: https://www.gmit.ie
Email: admissions@gmit.ie
Institute of Technology Carlow
Wesbite: https://www.itcarlow.ie/
Email: info.cw@setu.ie
Limerick Institute of Technology
Wesbite: https://www.lit.ie
Email: anne.odonovan@lit.ie
Marino Institute of Education
Wesbite: https://www.mie.ie/en/
Email: admissions@mie.ie
Mary Immaculate College
Wesbite: https://www.mic.ul.ie
Email: admissions@mic.ul.ie
MTU Cork Campus
Wesbite: https://www.cit.ie/maturestudent
Email: mature.studentcork@mtu.ie
National College of Ireland (NCI)
Wesbite: https://www.ncirl.ie
Email: admissions@ncirl.ie
Royal Irish Academy of Music
Wesbite: https://www.riam.ie/
Email: info@riam.ie
South Eastern Regional College
Wesbite: https://www.serc.ac.uk/
Email: info@serc.ac.uk
St Nicholas Montessori College
Wesbite: https://www.smsi.ie/
Email: info@smsi.ie
Ulster University
Wesbite: https://www.ulster.ac.uk/
Email: FlexEd@ulster.ac.uk
University College Cork
Wesbite: https://www.ucc.ie/mature
Email: damian.butler@ucc.ie
University of Limerick
Wesbite: https://www.ul.ie/mso
Email: shirley.ryan@ul.ie
Further Information & Support
The following organisations have information on courses, admission procedures and additional funding and supports that are available.
Republic of Ireland

Central Applications Office (CAO)
CAO processes applications for undergraduate courses in Irish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Admission decisions are made by the HEIs who instruct the CAO to make offers to successful candidates.

Government of Ireland
Government of Ireland’s Department of Further and Higher Education, Research Innovation and Science & Department of Social Protection have a range of policies and funding measures to support mature students. Uversity scholarships to a maximum value of €7,000 are not considered reckonable income for Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) maintenance grants and means-tested social welfare benefits.

Higher Education Authority (HEA)
Higher Education Authority has details of Student Finance options.

Mature Students Ireland (MSI)
Mature Students Ireland is a network of Mature Student Officers and others with responsibility for mature students from all state funded Universities, Institutes of Technology and colleges of education within the higher education sector in Ireland.

Qualifax is Ireland’s National Learners’ Database and is the "one stop shop" for learners and the public. Comprehensive, annually updated information is provided about further and higher education and training options in Ireland and further afield.

Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) is Ireland's national awarding authority for all higher and further education grants.
Northern Ireland

Student Finance NI
Student Finance NI provides the latest information about student finance for prospective and continuing higher education and postgraduate students in Northern Ireland.

The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) is a UK-based organisation whose core business is admissions to full-time undergraduate education in the UK.